Best Adult Day Care Service in Anchorage

Our population is aging, which means aged care has never been more important.

Anchorage’s population is aging faster than other parts of the United States, which means adult day care services are becoming more important by the day. Adult day care services focus on social relationships to promote wellbeing, instead of resorting to sterile (and boring) hospital-based care. Services include therapeutic activities, personal care, nursing services, transportation, and meals, as well as the opportunity to meet new people and form strong friendships with people experiencing the same things.

This model is different to residential aged care, or hospital aged care, because it recognizes that the number one secret to healthy aging isn’t medicine, but fun. Active socialization, with plenty of new activities, are proven to slow the onset of things like Alzheimer’s disease and improve overall physical and mental health. These community connections also reduce stress, lower blood sugar levels, strengthen immune systems, and have a range of other benefits that help people live longer, better, happier lives.

Want to learn more about adult day care services in Anchorage? Give our friendly team a call today.

What to Look for in Adult Day Care Services in Anchorage

The best way to start, when choosing a day care services, it by talking it through with your family. There are lots of different options available, so defining your priorities from the outset can streamline your search and help you find the right fit for your needs.

The needs of the older person

First of all, let’s talk about you. What services do you need to live well? This is a great time to talk about your mobility requirements, desired level of social interaction, dietary restrictions, personal care needs, medications, hobbies and preferred activities, and anything else that’s important to you. Everyone is different, and there’s no one-size-fits-all method to adult day services. What’s going to make you happy?

When it comes to aging well, laughter really is the best medicine. In fact, it’s been proven to reduce the risk and slow the onset of Alzheimer’s disease, as well as preventing heart disease, lowering cortisol (our stress hormone), easing anxiety, lowering blood sugar levels, and strengthening immune systems. That’s why it’s so important that you put your happiness first in making your decision.

The needs of the primary caregiver

Next, let’s talk about your caregivers. Who helps you with day-to-day things? Do you live at home, or in a residential care facility? Do you need help around-the-clock, a couple of times a day, or a couple of times a week? What transportation is available? Who cooks your meals? It’s important to take your caregivers opinions into account, as they’ll have a really good idea of what care you’ll need.

Depending on where you live in Anchorage, it’s important to also consider transportation needs and the schedule of the services offered. This will be helpful in determining how often you can go to your social club and receive day care services. You should also look practically at the facilities available, including handicap-accessible entrances as well as devices like elevators, beds, and lifts.

What the day center can offer

When you begin searching for day centers (which you’ve likely already started if you’re reading this), there are a few things that are really important. The first is that they are licensed and accredited, and that they follow strict guidelines outlined by the DHSS and CDC. This will ensure you’re being looked after by qualified professionals who have proper safety protocols in place to keep you safe.

Second, it’s important to consider the culture. What kind of activities are available? Are the groups big or small? Do you know anyone who utilizes and enjoys their services already? Is the team kind, courteous, and understanding? Do you like them? What are the center’s values? As we pointed out earlier, fun is the secret to healthy aging, which means it’s important to find a community you enjoy.

Try the Adult Day Care Service at Turnagain Social Club

Turnagain Social club offers holistic adult day care services that focuses on connecting people, instead of just taking care of medical and personal care issues. It was founded on the philosophy that staying social as you age, not only promotes brain cell growth, but brings joy to people’s lives. The model is designed to help older Alaskans live longer, happier, better lives.

The facility boasts two floors, six accessible bathrooms, two kitchens, five activity rooms, an elevator, and an edible backyard—all included in their in-person services. To top it off, they offer transportation, meals, field trips, and a range of in-person and virtual services designed to suit a wide variety of interests. We bring the fun; you bring the laughter.

Looking for fun Alzheimer’s day care services? Contact us online or call us on (907) 677-6770.