Healthy Aging: How Laughter Keeps Your Brain Young

We all know the saying “laughter is the best medicine.” Well, it’s actually true! Laughter makes us feel alive and as if we don’t have a care in the world, and who doesn’t want to feel like that? Have you ever stopped to wonder why? Research actually shows it’s not just a lot of fun, it releases natural chemicals that can help keep our brains healthy as we age. Read more to learn about all of the ways laughing works to keep you and your brain young.

Looking to add a little more laughter to your life? Connect with us today!

Aging is no laughing matter, let’s be honest. We humans are in an inevitable race against time, we can’t slow it down and we can’t make it stop, but we can feel and stay younger, just by taking life less seriously. Laughter has so many benefits that we don’t even realize. It works to promote happiness, a sense of pleasure, which ultimately reduces stress. Laughing is not only good for your mental health but also for your physical health! 

The Benefits of Laughter 

Laughter Releases Potent Amounts of Endorphins 

Endorphins are a group of hormones secreted within the brain and the nervous system that has psychological effects on the body. When you laugh, your body naturally produces endorphins without you even having to work for it. These chemicals make us feel good and help produce a positive mood and mindset. 

Laughing is Contagious 

Ever wonder why laughing is so contagious? Especially in larger group settings? As stated above, spreading endorphins can have a major effect on the psychological functions of your body. When people laugh together in a group and these chemicals are released, it promotes a sense of comfort, togetherness, and safety. If one member of the group laughs, it can work to trigger endorphin release in others leading to a chain reaction. 

Laughter is Good for Your Mental Health 

Research has found that releasing these chemical endorphins actually works to promote happiness and has been known to decrease high levels of stress. When you laugh, it helps relax your muscles, ensuring less tension and pressure on the body. Laughing also helps create a sort of distraction. When you laugh are you thinking about how you forgot to schedule your eye doctor appointment? Or that you didn’t let you dog out while you were out? No. Laughter helps to put an end to those racing thoughts so you don’t have to worry. 

Laugh with Us at Turnagain Social Club 

The older we get, the more and more we stress about how we might not have lived our lives to the fullest. Sometimes, we wish we can go back in time and relive and cherish those special and especially funny moments just one more time. Laughter is one of the greatest gifts we were given and what better time to put it to use at our adult day service. 

Here at Turnagain Social Club, we work to provide engaging activities and alternate therapies to help fulfill the lives of Anchorage’s seniors. Whether that means creating a safe environment where individuals and staff members become family in small, intimate group settings. We are here to make life more enjoyable and fun! Turnagain Social Club has a plethora of ongoing activities that work to give you a sense of belonging, aged care, and encourage socialization and even laughter! From knitting, trivia, cooking activities, game rooms, to pet therapy, board games, and audiobooks we have all the aged care you need! 

Want to learn more about our adult day services? Contact us to arrange your tour.