7 Fun and Safe Exercises for Seniors

Mobility is key to improving your strength, maintaining your independence and having fun.

Exercise is important at every age, but our needs change at different stages of our lives. For seniors, it’s key to maintaining your muscle mass, increasing your bone density, improving your balance, and staying flexible. It’s also actually a great way to relieve aches and pains, boost mood, and have fun!

The overall goal of exercises for seniors is to promote mobility, so you can get out and about and socialize with your friends. Mobility is also really helpful when it comes to personal care tasks like bathing and dressing, reducing the risks of falls and helping you maintain your independence. Here are the top seven seniors exercises we recommend, which you can do at home or at our social club.

Want to join an exercise group for seniors? Give our friendly team a call today.

1.       Chair Stretch

Chair yoga is a great way to improve strength, balance, and flexibility without putting too much stress on your muscles and joints. Come to one of our classes in person, or join a virtual chair yoga session online, to learn the basics. One of the most satisfying stretches is done by sitting squarely on the chair with your knees at right angles, placing both hands behind your head, and twisting your torso to the left. Hold this for about 15 seconds, then twist your torso to the right. You should feel a pleasant stretch in your lower back, which will put a spring in your step for the rest of the day.

2.       Free Weights

Strength training is one of the best exercises for seniors because it alleviates the symptoms of many chronic conditions, including diabetes and anxiety, while improving your bone density. You can start an upper-body workout by holding a dumbbell in each hand at shoulder level, and pressing them as high as you can reach (an overhead press), or holding them by your sides can curling your fists to your chest (a bicep curl). It’s best to do it with an instructor the first few times to make sure your technique is correct. If you can’t get dumbbells, soup cans or water bottles are great replacements!

3.       Wall Push-Ups

Push-ups are a great way to strengthen the muscles in your chest and torso, but you don’t have to crank them out military-style for them to be effective. Stand in front of a study wall, feet hip-width apart, with your hand on the wall at shoulder level. Keep your body straight and bend your elbows to lean towards the wall, when straighten your arms to push yourself away. You can stand as close to or as far from the wall as you like, depending on what feels good for your body.

4.       Chair Squats

Squats are wonderful for a few reasons. They strengthen the big muscles in your legs and glutes, improving your stability, while warming up your whole body. The best way to start is to hold onto the back of a chair for stability, then lower yourself as far as is comfortable. Repeat this movement a few times, and slowly increase your daily repetitions to build strength in your lower limbs.

5.       Toe Lifts

Standing on your tip toes will strengthen your calf muscles, boost your circulation, and improve your balance all in one simple movement. It’s a great exercise for seniors because you can simply stand behind something you can use for balance, like a chair or table, and hold on for support. Lift your heels, so you’re standing on your toes, then lower yourself back down, and repeat the process.

6.       Head Turns

This exercise is not just useful to loosen up the muscles in your neck, but to ensure you can easily turn and talk to people when you’re with your friends. Simply stand or sit up straight with your shoulders relaxed, then slowly turn your head as far left as you can, hold it for a few seconds, then turn as far right as you can, and hold it for a few seconds. Then, lift your chin as high as it can go, and lower it as close to your head as you can, and hold it for a few seconds. Doesn’t that feel better?

7.       Daily Walks

Walking is the ultimate exercise, no matter your age. It’s wonderfully social, it boosts mood, it increases circulation, it keeps your muscles loose, and it adds variety to your exercise routine between weight training. The best part is that you can do it anywhere, at any time, with anyone.

Exercises for seniors don’t have to be boring or lonely. We frequently organize fitness classes for our members, which will allow you to work out in a safe group environment. Come and join the fun!

Have questions about exercise? Contact us online or call us on (907) 677-6770.